Updated: 8/16/02; 2:39:57 PM.
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  Fluid Flow: Family
News, Info, and Picts from the San Jose Clifton's and their extended Family.

Saturday, April 6, 2002


For some reason, I have been very successful with composting. I currently have over a cubic yard of new soil, full of worms and other bugs, ready to use in the garden. I also have three compost bins, full of leaves and other detritus in various stages of decomposition.

I started composting when I realized how many leaves the mulberry trees in our backyard produce in the fall. Envisioning the hours of back-breaking work, raking them up and carting them to the front for pickup, I decided that I needed a compost bin.

In the first year, I produced about 9 cubic feet of soil. I had to augment this with potting soil when planting my garden. I picked up two additional bins and am now producing over three times that. I am no longer buying potting soil.

In addition to the leaves, the compost bins receive my coffee grounds and filters, tea-bags, and vegatable waste from the kitchen. I also recycle the soil from last seasons pots.
6:11:51 PM    
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It's really too nice a day to spend inside. So I spent the last hour doing some yard and garden work.

The sweet peas are starting to bloom in the front yard. But they are still mostly hidden by the boxwood hedge. I did some major trimming on the boxwoods to get more sun to the sweet peas.

Now I need to find some room in the compost bins for all the clippings.
3:41:01 PM    
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