Updated: 8/16/02; 2:40:14 PM.
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  Fluid Flow: Family
News, Info, and Picts from the San Jose Clifton's and their extended Family.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Back from the tropics

We arrived back in San Jose last night after spending 10 days in the US Virgin Islands. The house, cat, and plants survived our absence and Shasta (the cat) seemed genuinely pleased to see us come home.

Today is a day to catchup, post some pictures, do laundry, get film developed, prepare for the coming weeks, and reflect on what a great break we had.

My parents, Michele and I left San Jose on May 16 for St Croix to visit with my brother and family. Ken is in St Croix watching algae spawn, so when he invited us down, we jumped at the chance. Uncle Stuart joined us as well. Unfortunately, Beth and her family are in the middle of a move from North Carolina back to CA, so they couldn't make it to the islands.

This was Michele and my first visit to the Virgin Islands. Mom and Pop were last there 30 years ago, when Pop was an aquanaut on Project Tektite (scroll down for the story). A highlight of the trip was the four day stay at the Tektite site and swimming out to see where Pop spent two months living on the sea floor.

It was great getting back in the water. I made a couple of free dives a day as well as one tank dive. Michele also had fun diving, which was a treat, because she is not a "water" person. She didn't go below the surface, but was able to scoot around, getting the hang of the mask, snorkle and fins.

Another treat was seeing Pop back in the water. Once beneath the surface, he was like an old pro (which of course, he is).

8:48:04 AM    
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