In addition to homework exercises, there are two midterms and a final in Geology 105. Each of these exams require answering multiple choice or true/false questions. The two midterms contain 50 questions and each are worth 50 points toward your final grade. The final contains 75 questions, each worth 1 point.
Last semesters exams are provided as an example of the types of questions that I will ask on exams. Be forwarned, midterm 1 was the first exam that I had given in a long time. As a result, there are a few ambiguous questions. The second midterm and final are better designed tests.
The exams can be taken online, so you can get an idea of how well you understand the material. The exam processing utilizes JavaScript, so you will need to run at least version 3.0 of Netscape Navigator or MS Internet Explorer. I have tested the exams with version 4.0 of both Navigator and Explorer. While they both work, Navigator is significantly faster in grading exam answsers (less than 1 second for Navigator vs 8-9 seconds for Explorer on Midterm 2).
If your browser isn't up to the task, you will be redirected to a non-interactive version of the test.