Geology 105: History of Life
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Study Guides
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Geology & Time
Diversity and Evolution
Origins of Earth and Life
Precambrian Life
Early Paleozoic Life
Late Paleozoic Life
Mesozoic Life

Late Paleozoic Life

Updated: 4/17/98

1)What were the primary changes in the marine biosphere in the late Paleozoic?
2)Which three groups of fishes appeared during the Devonian radiation?
3)Of these three, which groups are still around today?
4)List three problems that plants had to overcome when moving onto land?
5)What environmental factors may have compelled plants to move onto land?
6)Why was the evolution of the seed an important for plants?
7)List three problems that animals had to overcome when moving onto land?
8)What environmental factors may have compelled animals to move on to land?
9)Which fish group is the likely ancestor of the first amphibians?
10)Which group of land animals developed a reproductive strategy that allowed greater colonization of the continents?
11)What was the key component of this reproductive strategy?
12)Match the following organisms with their level of sophistication
A. Rhyniophytes
B. Progymnosperms
C. Ichthyostega
D. Dimetrodon
E. Therapsids
1. tetrapod, aminotic egg, internal thermoregulation
2. xylem, phloem, and seeds
3. tetrapod
4. xylem
5. tetrapod, aminotic egg
13)Match the following organisms with when they appeared in geologic time.
A. Progymnosperms
B. Therapsids
C. Hylonomus
D. Rhyniophytes
E. Ichthyostega
F. Placoderms
G. Conifers
H. Pelycosaurs
1. Silurian
2. Devonian
3. Carboniferous
4. Permian