Geology 105: History of Life
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Study Guides
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Geology & Time
Diversity and Evolution
Origins of Earth and Life
Precambrian Life
Early Paleozoic Life
Late Paleozoic Life
Mesozoic Life

Origins of Earth and Life

Updated: 3/19/98

1)What are the four important steps in the cold accretion hypothesis for the formation of the earth?
2)What event could be used to signal the start of the solar system?
3)What happened during the melting and differentiation period of earth history?
 A) When did this happen?
4)What is the probable origin of the earth's atmosphere?
 A) When did this happen?
5)What is the probable origin of the earth' oceans?
6)What were the main components of the earth's atmosphere at 3.8 billion years ago?
7)List two things that occured around 3.8 billion years ago that probably helped life form.
8)List two possible origins for the building blocks of life.
9)Match the following key components of living cells with their general function
B. proteins
C. Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA)
D. lipids
1. cell membranes
2. information storage and retrieval
3. energy storage and retrieval
4. cell structures and catalysts
10)What was the importance of Stanley Miller's experiements in 1953?
11)Why do we believe that evaporation may have played a role in the origin of life?
 A) What role did it play?
12)Explain the role that clay minerals may have played in developing some of life's important biochemical reactions?
13)It is thought that life was only established once on the earth. Why?
14)Why is it likely that once life was established, it would be very difficult to repeat the steps that formed life initially?