Updated: 8/16/02; 2:39:52 PM.
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working through the web...

  Fluid Flow: Family
News, Info, and Picts from the San Jose Clifton's and their extended Family.

Friday, March 8, 2002

I'm starting to turn a corner here and figure out how to incorporate Radio into my existing sites. The goal is to use the categories to direct items to weblogs on different sites.

Getting this done takes two steps. First, you set up the category to stream up to an existing site. Then you create a template that is consistent with your existing site, but uses Radio's macros to generate the log and other items on the page.

You can see the results from my first attempt under the Family link to the left. Now the next step, is to get tighter integration between my Radio weblog and the existing site. For example, the navigation should be the site navigation, not my Radio weblogs navigation.
10:21:38 AM    
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