Updated: 9/6/02; 1:53:13 PM.
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  Fluid Flow: Family
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Wednesday, August 14, 2002


The basil is getting bushy, it's harvest time again.


The first order of business is to find the basil mantis. He's not part of the pesto.


The harvest


The recipie

I have never met a recipie that I didn't want to modifiy. For pesto, I am starting with a basic pesto recipie from the Betty Crocker Cookbook. I don't know how much basil I have, so I'll wing the amounts. Also almonds are replacing pine nuts.

This is close:

4 cups fresh basil
5 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup shredded Asagio cheese
1 cup raw almonds chopped.
2-3 cloves crushed garlic

Blend until smooth. It's a little gooey. You could probably add more olive oil, garlic or cheese.
4:07:44 PM    
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