Updated: 9/6/02; 1:53:15 PM.
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  Fluid Flow: Family
News, Info, and Picts from the San Jose Clifton's and their extended Family.

Friday, August 16, 2002

I am older than my parents

By virtue of their 9 year exile in Oklahoma and Texas, my parents are 31 year old Californians. That makes me the elder of the family.

Ken moved out of state at 24, then came back for a couple of years. He is in Oregon now and stuck at 26 or 27 and clearly a case of arrested development.

Beth, our only native, was behind me by 2 years at the start. She compounded this by spending time in South Carolina, Arizona, and North Carolina. While she is back and maturing again, her 12 year absence puts her at 26.

So my parents are 9 years younger and my sibs are 14 years younger. I even have a few years on Michele. No wonder that I feel old.
12:52:55 PM    
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