Baby update
from Beth Robertson, booclif@EARTHLINK.NET
Updated: 8/8/97
Hi Tommy-
Just thought I would send a little newer picture of the Cam-man.
At 5 weeks, he's weighing in at 10 lbs, 13 oz. He's getting used to
being awake for more during the day, but still keeps us busy at night.
The dogs have officially accepted him as a member of the pack- Batten
just flat out ignores his existence.
Andy is off to Gainesville, GA Aug 15-17 for the "world" championships
in archery. He qualified by finishing 5th overall at nationals in
Lexington last week (I finished middle of the pack - a victim of sleep
deprivation I'm afraid). I'll stay home and look after the pack- I'm
not sure who will find it a more challenging weekend..Andy or me?
Hope all is well in your world. Heard it was hot out your way - we've
lucked out with some very pleasant weather the last few days. We're
videotaping Cameron et al, so should have a tape to send out to you
sometime in the future (hopefully near future).
Time to grab some lunch while the little one is napping (sort of).
More later- Boo
