Geology 105: History of Life
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Lecture Notes
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Introduction and Overview
Fossils 1
Fossils 2
Geologic Principles
Relative Time
Absolute Time
Diversity of Life
Evolution and Diversity
Rates of Evolution
Plate Tectonics
Origin of the Earth
Origin of Life
Early Precambrian (Archean) Life
Late Precambrian (Proterozoic) Life
The Cambrian Explosion
Early Paleozoic Life
Late Paleozoic Marine Life
The Invasion of Land 1
The Invasion of Land 2
The Permo-Triassic Extinctions
Mesozoic Marine Life
Mesozoic Terrestrial Life
Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinctions
Cenozoic Life

Plate Tectonics

Lecture 12

 On Monday, we discussed mass extinctions and some of the causes behind them
 Today, we will look at an earth process that could be the driving force behind many mass extionction
 Plate Tectonics, is a unifying theory in geology that helps explain many of the changes that we see in the earths history.
Key Points
 Plate Tectonics is geology's theory of evolution.
 It is a unifying theory that allows explanation of many geologic processes
 Plate Tectonics has revolutionized the way that we view the earth
 The earth's surface is dyamic not static
Contintental Drift
 Alfred Wegener
 The "fit" of the continents.
 Paleontologic Evidence
 Geologic Evidence
 similar rock types
 Devonian Old Red Sandstone in England
 similar in age and appearence to rocks on N. America
 glacial deposits
Sea Floor Spreading
 Features of the ocean floor
 mid-ocean ridges
 oceanic trenchs
 magnetic anomalies
 Seafloor Spreading and Plate tectonics
Plate Tectonics and Extinctions
 controls on sea level
 controls on climate
 openning and closing oceans